
The toolset features four tools which are usable collectively or individually.

GreenPlan-IT Site Locator Tool

Please provide your name and email address. We record it so that we can determine who is interested in our tools and keep you apprised of any critical changes to the toolset. We will not share your information with any other organization or service.



Site Locator Tool Description

The site locator tool package contains geodatabases of required and optional data, example data tables, as well as the actual ArcGIS tools.

  • GreenPlan-IT:  ArcGIS tool box
    • 1 - Site Locator Tool.  ArcGIS application
    • 2 - Optimization Tool Precursor.  Tool produces inputs for the Optimization Tool
  • Common:  Folder containing python files supporting tool
  • Data:  Folder containing required and optional datasets for the tool
    • base_analysis.gdb:  Feature classes identifying areas within the waterboard Region 2 boundarythat are most suitable for Bioretention units,  Infiltration Trench, Permeable Pavement, Stormwater Wetlands, Vegetated Swales, and Wet Ponds
    • ClimateResiliency.gdb: Regiona features classes related to climate resiliency avaliable for use in different modules of the tool
    • RegionalDatasets.gdb:  Feature classes within the waterboard Region 2 boundary avaliable for use in different modules of the tool
    • RB22_cities_tiger_2014.shp:  Shapefile of city boundaries from the 2014 census data
  • Tables:  Folder containing default data tables for running the site locator tool
  • BLANK_MAP.mxd:  Mxd files necessary to create maps displaying outputs 
  • ESRI_Gray_Basemap.lyr: Layer necessary for png and pdf outputs
  • ESRI_Gray_Reference.lyr: Layer necessary for png and pdf outputs
  • GI_Rank_ColorStyle_forRegionalViews.lyr:  Layer necessary to symbolize outputs
  • KMZ_Rank_ColorStyle_v4.lyr:  Layer necessary to symbolize kmz outputs


The Tool box should be viewed in ArcGIS or ArcCatalog in order to run the individual tools.

GreenPlan-IT Modeling Tool

The SWMM installation program, user’s manual, as well as source codes are available at EPA SWMM website.  Users can follow the instructions provided at this site to download and install SWMM on a PC.  In particular, users will need to download:

  •  Self-extracting installation program for SWMM5.1.007 (EXE).  Run this .exe file to install SWMM on your PC. The detailed instructions on model installation and pertinent software/hardware requirements are provided in the SWMM user manual.
  • SWMM5.0 User’s Manual (PDF). This is the main SWMM document that provides step-by-step instructions on how to set up and get started with SWMM, as well as detailed descriptions on SWMM structure and various functionalities and options.

In addition, users are strongly encouraged to download and go through ‘SWMM Applications Manual (ZIP)’ to help expedite their use of SWMM.  It contains nine worked-out examples that illustrate how to use SWMM to model some of the most common types of stormwater management and design problems. In some cases, users may also want to download SWMM source codes to meet their specific needs.

GreenPlan-IT Optimization Tool

Please provide your name and email address. We record it so that we can determine who is interested in our tools and keep you apprised of any critical changes to the toolset. We will not share your information with any other organization or service.



Optimization Tool Description

The optimization tool package contains the tool's excutable file and example input files that are required to run the tool:

  • Optimization Tool User Manual 2020.pdf. The manual describing the use of the Optimization Tool.
  • OPTIM.exe.  Can be run as a console application from the command line within a DOS window.
  • Basin_info.csv.  Contains acreage and maximum number of feasible LID sites for each sub-basin within model domain.
  • LID_info.csv. Contains configuration and unit cost of each LID type.
  • SWMM_temp.inp. Template SWMM input file, created through modeling tool application to local watersheds.
  • SWMM5.exe. The executable for the EPA SWMM modeling engine.

The files will need to be placed in right folder (directory) in order for the tool to run.  The step-by-step instructions on how to set up and run the tool, as well as the description of surpporting inputs files are provided in the User Manual.

GreenPlan-IT Tracker Tool

The GreenPlan-IT Tracker is a web-based application, not a file to be downloaded onto your desktop.

It was released in January 2019 for your use. Please contact if you have a need to track and plan your green stormwater infrastructure.