GreenPlan-IT Tracker Tool
At a very basic level, the GreenPlan-IT Tracker is a web-based tool that accounts for the impact of implemented Green Infrastructure within a municipal, county-wide, or user-defined footprint. It is an extensible custom database designed to record, display, and exchange data regarding currently installed green infrastructure sites.
Adding Value to the Collected Information
The Tracker is more than a simple database. It helps assess performance of the installations as well.
The GreenPlan-IT Tracker uses the same SWMM modeling engine as that build into the GreenPlan-IT Modeler to assemble a profile of Green Infrastructure installations and determine their collective effectiveness in reducing stormwater run-off, as well as attenuate PCB and mercury pollution. In this way, the GreenPlan-IT Tracker reports on the location and details of GI implementation while also reporting their cumulative programmatic outcomes.
Product Details
- Records and display information about GI implementation for individual sites
- Aggregates information across multiple sites within a city or area of interest
- Generates standardized reports to track progress for regulatory compliance
- Calculates effectiveness based on modeling outputs
- Illustrates the broader lifecycle of GI implementation and outcomes using score cards and key information
Current Status
The tool was released in Jan 2019 for Bay Area programs. If you would like an account, please contact us at